Jumat, 19 Juni 2009


Suatu malam seorang manusia sehabis salat malam tertidur dan mimpi bertemu oleh seorang kakek tua berjubah putih dan diberi kesempatan untuk berkomunikasi dengan kakek tersebut dan bertanya, "Kek bolehkah saya tanya seperti apakah Neraka dan Surga itu".

Kemudian kakek itu membimbing manusia itu menuju ke dua buah pintu sebagai perumpamaan dan kemudian membiarkannya melihat ke dalam.

di pintu pertama, Di tengah ruangan terdapat sebuah meja bundar yang sangat besar, dan di tengahnya terdapat semangkok sup yang beraroma sangat lezat yang membuat manusia tersebut mengalir air liurnya. Meja tersebut dikelilingi orang-orang yang kurus yang tampak sangat kelaparan. Orang-orang itu masing-masing memegang sebuah sendok yang ada pada tangan masing-masing. Sendok tersebut cukup panjang untuk mencapai mangkok di tengah meja dan mengambil sup yang lezat tadi. Tapi karena sendoknya terlalu panjang, mereka tidak dapat mencapai mulutnya dengan sendok tadi untuk memakan sup yang terambil.
Si Manusia tadi merinding melihat penderitaan dan kesengsaraan yang dilihatnya dalam ruangan itu.
Kakek berkata, "Kamu sudah melihat NERAKA"

Lalu mereka menuju ke pintu kedua yang ternyata berisi meja beserta sup dan orang-orang yang kondisinya persis sama dengan ruangan di pintu pertama, ada semangkok sup yang lezat dan ditangannya ada sendok yang panjang untuk meraih sup lesat itu
Perbedaannya, di dalam ruangan ini orang-orang tersebut berbadan sehat dan berisi dan mereka sangat bergembira di keliling meja tersebut. Melihat keadaan ini si Manusia menjadi bingung dan berkata "Apa yang terjadi ? kenapa di ruangan yang kondisinya sama ini mereka terlihat lebih bergembira ?"

Kakek kemudian menjelaskan, "Sangat sederhana, yang dibutuhkan hanyalah satu sifat baik"

"Perhatikan bahwa orang-orang ini dengan ikhlas menyuapi orang lain yang dapat dicapainya dengan sendok bergagang panjang, sedangkan di ruangan lain orang-orang yang serakah hanyalah memikirkan kebutuhan dirinya sendiri "

Diperkirakan bahwa 93% didunia ini banyak orang-orang yang mendapat ilmu tidak mau berbagi ilmu tersebut ke orang lain.

dan 7% lainnya sebaliknya.

jadikanlah anda bagian dari 7% tersebut.

ingatlah, saya akan selalu ada untuk
berbagi sendok dengan anda!

dan saya berharap kita saling berbagi

salam hangat selalu dari saya dhiatra

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009

intrinsic and extrinsic motivations student

In addition to the role of task complexity, whether or not motivations influence performance also depends on the tendency of the environment to encourage or discourage their development and expression (McClelland, 1985; Deci & Ryan, 1985). For example, if students are given tasks that do not allow creativity or if students' creative task-solutions are not appropriately recognized, then intrinsic and extrinsic motivations may have different relationships with academic performance.

In cross-cultural comparisons, researchers have found that students in Hong Kong had lower fluency, flexibility, and originality scores than students in North America (e.g., Jaquish & Ripple, 1984, 1985). However, Spinks et al. (Spinks, Lam, & Van Lingen, 1996a) argued that creativity has a different meaning and value in the Chinese culture and, thus, a cross-cultural comparison using imported tests may not be valid. In particular, they argued that a child who has learned through socialization not to ask questions, not to produce answers unexpected by the teacher, and not to produce unusual responses to an ambiguous stimulus, will have a natural resistance to provide fluent, flexible, and original responses to a creativity test.

Consequently, Spinks et al. (1996a) adopted an indigenous approach and investigated the implicit views that teachers in Hong Kong have of their ideal and creative pupil. They administered a list of 60 person descriptors to primary school teachers. Teachers were asked to rate the importance of the descriptors for defining first the ideal pupil and then the creative pupil. A total of 15 descriptors for the ideal student and 27 for the creative student had a mean rating of 4 or higher on a 5-point Likert-type scale. Only six of these descriptors were in common between the ideal and the creative student: flexible, active, self-confident, cheerful, willing to try, and good thinker. The ideal student matched closely the everyday representation of the good Chinese child, characterized by adjectives such as selfdisciplined, respectful of parents, responsible, diligent, humble, not selfish, and obedient. The creative child matched closely the universal definition of creative person (Torrance, 1965), characterized by adjectives such as curious, assertive, talented, active, energetic, independent, questioning, bold, and individualistic. Spinks et al. concluded that the great divergence between teachers' views of the ideal and creative student indicates that the Hong Kong education system does not promote the development of creativity. In turn, they defined the situation as paradoxical because the Hong Kong business world seeks individuals with creative thinking skills and consistently finds that these skills are lacking among those who graduate from the local universities, whereas they are present among those who graduate from overseas universities.

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

kowledge about motivation

what is motivation ???
Motivation is the internal condition that activates behavior and gives it direction; energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior.
there are 2 motivation :
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivations
Have you ever had a problem getting motivated to complete a task that you absolutely had to do? Did you ever just want to throw in the towel and
accept that you failed? If so, understand that there are things you can do to be more motivated and to achieve your goals.

What motivates you?
There are two types of motivation that exist: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is motivation that is inspired by outside
forces, while intrinsic motivation is motivation that is inspired from within a person. Both types of motivation are essential to success. Below you will
find different types of extrinsic and intrinsic motivational factors:

Extrinsic Motivation.
-People around you
-Good grades

Intrinsic Motivation.
-Personal goals, values, and morals
-Willingness and eagerness to learn
-Physiological, social, and self-esteem needs

Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivations push a person to achieve a goal. However, they do so in different ways. Let us take a look at both of these
types of motivations.

Extrinsic motivation:
As shown above, extrinsic motivation comes from rewards and incentives that are positive reinforcements. An example of extrinsic motivation is a
student studying and getting an A on an exam because the reward of a ski trip motivated him. Completing a project for work ahead of schedule
because an employee knows that raises are coming soon is an example of extrinsic motivation. A teenager may come home from a friend's house
right before curfew, just to avoid being grounded. All of these actions are done because the person is trying to avoid some type of punishment or

An example of a possible problem with extrinsic motivation is that when the rewards stop, the motivation will come to an end. How do you keep, for
example, an employee or child motivated? One solution is spacing out rewards so the person does not receive them all at once. This gives the person
something to look forward to. Another thing to do is to make sure the reward cannot cause any negative impact after it. Another thing to do is to try to
help the person find a reason to be motivated besides receiving a reward.

Intrinsic Motivation:
Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person. While this motivation is often strong, it is hard to maintain at times - especially when something bad is
happening in a person's life. Everyone wants to be happy, to achieve life goals, have high morals and values, have plenty of friends, and simply be
able to survive in the world. Intrinsic motivation makes a person strive for these things in daily life. Intrinsic motivation will make a person take a look in
the mirror and say, "I can do it." This type of motivation will also make someone take a few minutes and reflect on what is important in his or her life. It
will make them question why they are seeking out their goals and what they are willing to risk in order to attain them.

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